Compare Power Companies was created to provide an independent means of confirming if business customers are getting a fair deal, and if not, getting customers setup on the better prices.
We dont get “kick backs” from friendly power companies, for you lose the independence. Make no mistake, if an entity has no charges, then they are getting a commission from the power company they are recommending.
We also use the data from the past 12 months usage when comparing each businesses cost, and we can tell from our report the impact of any price change or increase.
The more we can save businesses the better off we all are.
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MTA has 3,846 members 2,053 Repairers, 510 Dealers, 913 Service Stations
We have done work and saved money for:
Avenue Coolstores
Woolston Club
Lemonwood Grove School
Each of these customers was on a time of use power product and was facing significant energy cost increases, or they were being supplied on an open basis and they weren’t being told
These customers were on time of use electricity pricing, and they had the option of changing, but they were not being told of their options. One customer in particular once we got involved actually asked their current provider if they could change them, to a Non Half Hour product, but the request was denied.